Monday, November 24, 2008


别人还是会叫你AH PEK,或AUNTIE!!!更别说那些还在用纸笔写日记的人,他们分分钟被看成是原始人....
其实,我应该是比较适合当原始人的,可是你不得不佩服网路资讯世界不等人的发展速度,一个单纯的网上日记在短短时间竟然可以热闹的像开party.... 可以唱歌听歌看戏旅游聊天打广告玩弄政治玩艺术玩女人玩男人玩缘分....甚至可以战争 siao....花花世界哦~~
我总觉得最深的海不是太平洋,也不是Pirates of The Caribbean 那个加勒比海,而是我们每个人的心海....你心里面能蕴藏的东西,是无止境的....不能用KB,MB or GB, 甚至 TB 来算,应该用 IB....
不是International Business啦,也不是 Innocent boy, 是Infinity B......


Aaron said...

u got blog@@" baru noe ^^~~

i dun think blogging is something feminine... alot famous blogger ma is male... RPK for one... the blogger MP's...

anyhow, wish to see more of ur posting... good luck ^^

~regards from QQ宅男~

p/s: support my blog too =P

--Ping-- said...

bian tai shu shu,

haha...i am sailing into your deep deep sea to look for treasure...
as i promised,to make it long [gas] enough n show my supportive in dropping comments, i have to talk start with nonsense

introduction 1st..
"do u hv float? I duno how to swim & dive and I might drown in the dark sea and got eaten by shark.."

back to body: u really got gender discrimination..who say blogging is for female wor..research:bloggers are dominated by man or woman?

conclusion: Great welcome to blogging n remember to "play on me"

Ping Ping

K~ock K~roach said...

weiwei... i din really said blogging is only for female wo... wat i mean was the feeling blog gv me initially... that time i dun really know blog yet mar....
seriously.. i no mean to gender discrimination....

*gillian* said...


Your comment box is so happening,
especially meh meh 1,bian tai shu shu,LOL! xD